Hearing Consultations
If you are experiencing hearing problems or just need a hearing protector, our qualified team at Argus Audiology can help you with your needs. We have been in the business for over 40 years. Our team is comprised of professionals who will take care of your hearing needs.
When you have a hearing consultation with us you are in good hands. After our hearing evaluation, a Hearing Health Care Professional will go through a step-by-step process of explaining how hearing aids will help improve hearing if you have a hearing loss. The benefits of amplification with hearing aids will be addressed so that an informed decision can be made. The choice of hearing aid styles and features is based on type and degree of hearing loss, manual dexterity, communication goals, and lifestyle. During your consultation, various levels of hearing aid technology will be discussed along with styles, models, and cosmetic preferences. We offer many services including free wifi and a warm and friendly environment, to make your appointment relaxed and enjoyable.
Contact us today to book your consultation


Contact us today to book your consultation